Homemade Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies – A Step-by-Step Guide

It is late. My son is asleep and I’m craving chocolate chip cookies. And the best part about chocolate chip cookies is you probably have all of the ingredients already in your house. So let me show you how to make the best chocolate chip cookies.

I am gonna start by melting this stick of butter. This is salted butter, but I’m sure you could use unsalted butter. This is just what I have right now and I’m gonna migrate this for 45 seconds. I want it to be warm, not hot, because we’re gonna be putting an egg. Get it? While the butter is heating up, I am going to take all purpose flour and I’m going to use one and three fourths cup of flower. While I’m waiting for my butter to cool, I’m gonna finish off my dry ingredients.

Now I’m gonna take salt and the recipe calls for half a teaspoon, but I do a fourth because I’m using salted butter. Next, I’m gonna use half a teaspoon of. So in this bowl, I have flour, salt and bacon soda. And I’m just gonna mix those together and then I’m gonna go ahead and work on my wet ingredients.

Okay, so to this bowl, I’m gonna add my butter. I’m gonna take one orange egg. Then I’m gonna take half a cup of grain leaded white sugar, fourth of a cup of brown sugar, and make sure you pack it really good. Okay, I already added the vanilla, but you’re gonna add 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. And then you just want to whisk all of your wet ingredients together. This is the consistency you want your wet ingredients to be.

Now I’m gonna take the wet ingredients and add it into the dry ingredients. This is what it currently looks like. And then I’m just going to fold the flower into my wet ingredients until I have a dough formed. Okay, so this is what your dough should look like. To this dough, you were going to add 1 cup of any chocolate chips that you like. Personally, I feel like the Gare Deli milk chocolate chips make this recipe. I’m telling you, they are chefs, kids. However, you can use whatever chocolate chips you want, semi sweet milk chocolate, dark chocolate, whatever you feeling. However, I don’t have a cup of chocolate chips. This is all I currently have left. So what I’m gonna do is just like take whatever much dough I need to mix in with these chocolate chips and then whatever’s left, I’m just going to flatten it out, put it in a ziplock bag. And first, okay, so I cut the dough in half and I use the chocolate chips. So I would say it’s probably about a half a cup of chocolate chips. And then I just went ahead and flattened out the other dough. I’m gonna put it in the freezer. That way I can have chocolate cookies whenever I want. I don’t have to go to the hassle of making them. I just have to make sure I have track.

Also, side note, before you start doing everything, preheat your oven 3:50. I personally recommend putting your dough in the fridge for a little while. Just let it set. The longer you can let it sit, the better. However, you can just make these like right away if you want. I just find the dough sits better if it cools off a little bit. So while my oven is preheating, I forgot to preheat it. I’m gonna let this sit in the fridge for like 5, and then I’ll form some balls out of them. Okay, so this is what the cookie dough balls look like before going into the oven. This is for cookie dough balls. And I used half of that dough. However, I did make them larger. The recipe will make 12 like normal sized cookies, but you can kind of just play around that and make them how small or how big you want them. But I’m gonna put these in the oven for 13 minutes at 3:50.

Okay, so this is what they look like fresh out the oven. They are so good. They’re golden brown on the bottom, but they’re still like fluffy and soft at the top. I’m gonna let these cool and then I’ll show you guys like what it looks like bitten into gooey chocolaty. It’s so good. My cookies are done. They are perfect. I love a thicker cookie, like trouble cooking kind of. But these are 10 times better than rumble. Look at the thickness. Look at the Java chips. Perfect every time. We’re welcome.