The Magic E Game and Other Fun Learning Activities

can you read this word for me please
it does look like rack doesn’t it
okay at the end of words
the E likes to do a silly little game
where it jumps back over the consonant
and makes the vowel say its name
do you know what name that letter is
a so can you read it with a
awesome job
now we’ve got a little game here
so which color do you want
blue okay
I’ll be green let’s put it on the start
and here’s the spinner
so when it’s your turn
you spin the spinner
and whatever it lands on you pick that card
there we go
okay so what does that word say by itself
awesome job
and with our magic E
you got it ate
now it’s all you
so you’re just gonna be left behind haha
sorry about it awesome job
okay couple different books
with magic E in them
which one do you want to read
this one that one
this one
that one okay awesome
dad and I made a cake