Title: Embracing Imperfection: A Journey of Overcoming Anxiety and Depression to Complete My 1989 Friendship Bracelet Bead Collection

This video is for my 1989 friendship bracelet bead,
and I am super, super behind on these beads.
I still have to get midnight through 1989,
so that. That is Midnight’s evermore folklore lover reputation.
This one’s 1989. So I have five more of these videos to make.
And, yes,
I was supposed to be doing them weekly,
and, no,
I didn’t, because I have horrible anxiety and horrible depression.
And when I feel like I have to do something,
especially when that thing should be easy,
like posting a silly little video to the silly little internet,
I don’t do it. I can’t do it.
A wall goes up in my mind.
But I’m here to tell you that you can still get your beads.
You can make these videos late.
And if you, like me,
follow the same behavior and other aspects of your life,
it’s not too late to still do those things as well.
So if you remembered something
but just couldn’t bring yourself to do it on a certain day,
even though it felt really,
really easy, like texting someone and wishing them happy birthday,
you can still do that, even if you’re a week late,
even if you’re a month late.
And if it’s something that you can’t do anymore for whatever reason,
like returning something,
or applying for a job that you wanted that’s now closed,
or going out to a social gathering that you were invited to
that has now long since Passed yourself, Grace.
Know that it’s okay. And know that you are not alone.
And you are not only not alone because of me,
but there are also hundreds of thousands,
if not millions
of people out there who feel just like this every single day.
And it is okay.
Because sometimes all you have to give in a certain day is one percent.
And if that’s all you have to give,
and you give that one percent,
you’re given 100%. And that’s all we can ask of you.
I know that this is a ridiculous way to get these beads.
I don’t know why
this is the only thing my brain is letting me talk about
when I open the app to film these videos
for these silly little beads.