Title: Saturday Night Baseball Banter

All right. They were just hitting some nice grounders to Freddy here.
Look at it. To second and back to first.
That’s pretty good.
See if I can get that again.
If they do that again, Freddy’s ready. Here we go.
Licked it. And to purse. Cool.
I got it. I mean,
that’s all that’s going on right now.
There’s nothing going on.
But they do have your old tiny t shirts happening downstairs.
You’re getting from that big pile.
And put it in them right at the gates.
There you go.
And you can put it down anytime you want.
There you go. Okay.
That’s what’s going on right now.
I mean, so what the hell?
All that said, it’s a beautiful Saturday night.
Let’s beat Tampa Bay again, huh?
I mean, I want to.