Wordle Challenge: August 25th – Skate to Victory

Wordle time for the 25th of august.
Hope we’re well everybody.
I have a cup of tea right now Sunday night uh,
I don’t know what word I’m starting with first word that comes to mind
fine I don’t know why or how don’t ask me
I don’t have an answer but we’ll send it
Yaker so that’s not fantastic. Cool.
We’ve got an E somewhere not second we try an E R word
uh probably is the the normal play here
should we try like hater?
Cause Fane was a hater of a word and gave us almost nothing
that’s extremely extremely rude
so I’m just gonna send this I don’t sure
okay that was a decent guess ate somewhere
do we move them over one like this?
Is there much this can be plate actually would work
that’s kind of a fun word
I don’t know why I think it’s a fun word but I’m gonna try this
damn it
I was right saying they move over like that okay,
what do we do now then? Skate would work
I rate would have been a fun word but there’s no I or R
let’s try skate.
Let’s send this there we go another four that’s two fours in a row.
God damn I mean that’s fine
interesting little word there
I suppose didn’t have too much trouble with it thankfully
so I will take that. Thank you for watching
hope you enjoyed let me know how you did In the comments
as always, I love to hear it.
I’m gonna go. Hopefully I will see you in another video
and until then, bye.