Life Updates: School Transitions, ADHD Medication, Building Swings, and Making Memories

Good morning and happy Wednesday, guys. How, I will, how was everyone’s changed? I knew right that the last three weeks of school term, especially with two transition into two separate schools and different kind of settings and all should I, it was gonna be a busy few weeks, but , I’m just literally just here, there. And if we’re at appointments at the minute. So Winnie had her final, which like the facial diagnosis, you know, counterfeit a varied history.

Yes, right. We have medication for her, which I do. I just wanna show her on how to see if it makes a difference in the way that she is scored, whether she talks to me. But on the other hand, as a parent, I’m feeling a little bit emotional. I’m not gonna lie, a little bear of not scared as far as nervous.

So guys, many of you have children that have been put on ADHD medication. Please give me all on that fuse on it, whether it’s worked wonders or you didn’t it change your childhood. That’s what I’m worried about is a, a changes my child into a different, a child, a man.

I am spider right of here. Yes. Ryker has also passed it up. This to see a swing thing I got off Amazon. It was on sale and it come got delivered 8:20 yesterday morning. So while I was trying to tide out yesterday, my little brain’s like, don’t forget the package that you wanna put together. So I spend all morning yesterday too, but 2 hours putting his Thanksgiving hate. Thereafter, I was just running Rad, picking kids up, doing up appointments after school, got issues. It was a crazy type about such a good slave.

I’m glad to give the kids the option to have the die off today. Save her. They’re all struggling at school. I know target is probably still gonna go. I am. But tricks is struggling at school at the Minaf. So of course feeling that I’m going to have a meeting for the end of time to discuss things she hates, things that she likes, and also her behavior.

Anyway, let’s get into iceberg. Enough about me, our life on the Plaza, sunny Wednesday, on Sunday. I’ve got two weeks left. I feel that I’ve got so much to do and not enough time to know what I mean. Let’s have a look.

26 after, is it my sister’s birthday? But we don’t talk, so she’s not getting a happy birthday is assumer is can’t remember if it’s today. Yes, right. Anyway, believe in yourself to self beliefs always important guys. Sometimes we expect other people to believe in us. Now when we don’t get the validation or the belief from them, we start second guest and ourself. Well, if in fact, if the love comes from within, if the self belief comes from, we win. If they, you know, the praising and like that.

Thank you. Wrong. It is nice when people around you actually acknowledge the sheets that you do. Then. I say that as an extra bonus because sometimes, you know, you’re gonna, you’re expected from people that you’re just not gonna get it from. And then that starts putting negative energy in your mindset because you’re thinking, why have they not said thanks or why are they not shame your appreciations? And then instead of spending your time feeling good about what you’ve accomplished and what you’ve done, you’re spending your time feeling negative about what people haven’t done. You know, I mean, so believe in yourself.

One little tape, one little two seat things, got like a little compartment here under the table so I could still be booking outside. I don’t wanna win that. The weather is nice, but my house really needs to tide up. So I have said tricks has already come down at 5+5 this morning. And I said to me place about because home one place about subsets upset if I let everyone have a day off because, you know, the weather is nice.

Let’s spend some time in the garden, make some memories. Before everyone gets in the garden, they will be having a life skills lesson, which will be tidy among a ass up side. Excuse me, guys, if they choose to have a tie off, they will be learning some life skills, which will be tidying up and picking up after themselves. Then we can then go and sit in the garden. My brain. Oh my God. Absolutely stinks. What the hell? According to us, there’s nothing in there. Oh, my God. That stinks. Anyway. Lovely possible every day and enjoy the sun. And those of you that have children that are, you know, thinking, you know what, I, we don’t get sun often. I’d like to actually spend a day with my child while we’ve got some hot weather and make some memories. Allow any kids to die off. You’re not gonna get a letter. You know what I mean? Don’t be scared into or bullied into thinking that you can’t make memories with your kids. We wanna our feel.

Oh, guys, a teacher of Tricky’s on Monday refused to let her drink in class. So I’m actually waiting for a call from him for him to explain why fix is acceptable to tell her that she can’t drink when all the teachers should have been made aware that she has to drink her two lites of water. I make her castle of two lites of water every morning. She has to drink that during school. One of the teachers trying out. She was actually very apologetic and, you know, you know, should I know the problems that you’ve had at the last school? That’s the last thing. Once she was actually really nice, but it’s the AC, the teacher’s attitude towards tricks. It was really to me off. So when I speak to him, oh, he will be and a drink in the class from now on. Drink what you like. Sweet. Anyway, guys, have a lovely Wednesday. I will see you. So I’m definitely gonna go live today. So I will see you. So today we can have a catch up.