Thank You for the Overwhelming Support: The Reaper’s Son’s Heartwarming Journey

I just wanna come on here for a moment and thank you all
because less than two weeks after The Reaper’s Son came out
I already had to go back to print for more copies
because I’m running out on the TikTok shop
the publication of this book has been everything I could have hoped for and more
the reactions of everybody
the people who are doing live recordings of themselves reading Chapter 35
which is just breaking people
has really just warmed my heart more than I can even say
so thank you to everyone who’s read the book
reviewed the book
bought the book
I’ve already had to go back to press on the book
I feel like this book is gonna have a long life
and stay with a lot of people for a very long time
so to everyone who’s brought Alex and Nia into their lives
thank you
to everyone who’s yet to meet them
have a pack of tissues ready at Chapter 35