Boost Your Brain with these Top 3 Foods: A Neuroscientist’s Guide to Alzheimer’s Prevention

3 foods that are excellent for your brain.
If you’re new to my channel, hi,
my name is Robert Love. I’m a neuroscientist,
and I specialize in helping people prevent alzheimer’s disease.
With science. Eating the bad foods can be harmful to your brain
and increase the risk of alzheimer’s disease.
And eating the right foods can be really beneficial for your brain,
improve your memory,
and even help reduce your risk of alzheimer’s disease.
Now check with your doctor.
Results may vary.
Here are three foods that are just great for your brain.
Food, number one.
I get this at Costco. I’m not sponsored by Costco,
but I love this. These are wild.
Assuming these are organic blueberries.
Organic blueberries are rich in polyphenols.
These are plant nutrients that are great for your gut bacteria.
What’s good for your gut is good for your brain.
And blueberries can even help lower inflammation.
Food No. 2.
This one helps increase testosterone.
These are organic pumpkin seeds.
So there are many hormone disruptors in our environment.
These can be in receipts. These can be in sunscreens.
These can be in cosmetics.
Both men and women today
have lower levels of testosterone than we did a generation ago.
And this is a darn big deal,
because testosterone, it’s not only associated with what we think of
as far as muscle and sex drive,
but it’s also associated with leadership,
and it’s associated with cognition and memory.
So you wanna do things to Help increase your levels of testosterone
in healthy ways, like exercise,
sleep, and eating organic pumpkin seeds.
Food No. 3. This one’s great for a dessert or snack.
It is organic walnuts. Walnuts are rich in fibre.
This is really good for your gut bacteria.
Walnuts are also rich in healthy fats.
Your brain, outside of water,
is made of fat. And so you wanna eat lots of healthy fats
to give your brain the raw materials to, uh,
help repair brain cells. And these are rich in fibre.
Fibre is really good for your gut.
What’s good for your gut is good for your brain.
And I have a free resource for you.
I just wrote a new e book with Doctor Josh Hellman,
a medical doctor from Harvard.
It is called 6 Steps to reversing alzheimer’s.
We want to give that to you for free.
To get your free copy, go to the link in my bio
or go to Click the link that says Reversing Alzheimer’s,
or 6 steps to Reversing Alzheimer’s into your name.
Email, phone number is optional.
On the next page. We will send you that free ebook right away.
I love you. God bless you.