Boost Your Brain with These Delicious Desserts: A Neuroscientist’s Guide

Three delicious desserts that are great for your brain.
No. 3 is my favorite, if you’re new to my channel.
Hi, my name is Robert Love.
I’m a neuroscientist,
and I specialize in helping people prevent alzheimer’s disease
with science. Food number one.
You know, this one is great for your brain.
It is blueberries. And blueberries are such a great dessert.
So blueberries. Make sure you get organic blueberries.
Blueberries are rich in polyphenols.
This is. It’s really good for your gut bacteria.
What’s good for your gut is good for brain.
And research shows that blueberries are not only good for memory,
but also neuroprotective, meaning they help protect the brain.
Now, you can use these as a dessert.
You can make, like, a.
You can. You can blend them up with a little, uh,
sweetener. You can have,
like a. Like a blueberry sauce.
But you can also add them as a topping to other desserts
or just eat. Eat a handful of organic blueberries, um,
with, um,
maybe a glass of wine, or better yet,
not wine. And that is a really nice dessert.
Also pairs well with some of these other desserts.
Food No. 2 is walnuts. Walnuts are terrific for your brain.
They’re rich in fiber, which is great for your gut bacteria.
What’s good for your gut is good for your brain.
Also rich in fats, which are really good for your brain.
And the rich in nutrients that are good for your Brain and body.
By the way, walnuts go really well with blueberries.
So you can have walnuts and blueberries uh.
After dinner and that could be really satisfying.
And it’s great to eat, uh,
blueberries and strawberries with a walnuts or macadamia nuts.
These. These nuts that are uh,
rich in fiber, cause that helps slow down the absorption of the glucose
and it won’t spike your um,
blood sugar nearly as much.
So eat nuts or fiber when you eat fruit.
That’s a really good idea.
Look, there’s a doggy. Uh,
food No. 3. This one is my favorite.
It is chocolate. But specifically, uh.
Oh, the dogs are happy.
But specifically, um,
organic, fair trade cacao that is undutched.
You want to make sure it’s fair trade,
organic cacao to make sure the farmers are paid.
And undutched means it’s not processed,
means it’s gonna be a lot healthier.
Research shows that those who eat chocolate, uh,
eats the specific type of chocolate, um,
they have better memory, also a better immune system.
And chocolate can increase neurogenesis and angiogenesis,
which is the growth of new blood vessels
and the growth of new brain cells.
So you can have a really high quality chocolate that’s low in sugar,
ideally sweetened with alulose or monk fruit sugar, stevia.
Combine that with some blueberries and some walnuts.
Or you could do. You do almonds or macadamia nuts
and that can be a really nice dessert that your brain is going To love.
I love you. God bless you.