Preserving Heritage: A Positive Approach to Education for Gypsy and Traveller Children

Hello, my friends.
Right, so I’ve heard a lot over the last couple of days about, um,
wanting to put the children down,
not as traveller or, you know,
Gypsy children, as to put them in as mobile.
So I’ve just come off Jamie and Charmaine’s live,
and I understand what’s happening now.
So if you weren’t able to get on the live.
So basically they’re not putting the children as mobile,
so they will still have their own culture.
I. You can’t change a culture anyway,
they’ll have their own. Their own cultures,
as in Gypsy or, or Roma or, or,
or Irish or. Do you know what I mean?
The children have their inherited culture.
What this is gonna do
is for the people that take the children out of school, IE,
I don’t know, the conventions or,
or, you know,
anything to do with the way that gypsies are
and travellers and everybody in.
In between, the way they’re bought up.
So if they need to be somewhere throughout the country,
as I said, conventions or for work or for whatever reason,
um, then now going to put.
Instead of putting T for traveling,
whereas before you would be fined.
So now they’re gonna put an M.
And this is just for the. Just for the paperwork.
The children aren’t gonna be called mobile.
It is just for paperwork. It’s an.
A figuration.
I think that’s a word. Um,
so now them children, gypsies, everybody.
I just Named when they do go out of school for whatever reason,
they now will not be fined.
And they can do like packs where they can get all the.
All the um. For the next,
let’s say 6 weeks or 2 weeks,
however long they can do enough work like they did in the COVID
and the children can take it with them
so that they can carry on doing education wherever they are.
It doesn’t matter where you are,
you can still carry on even if you’re doing a couple of hours
or an hour here and an hour there.
Do you know what I mean? So they don’t get behind
that also guarantees them
that when they go back to where they originally live,
the schools cannot fill other pupils into their school places
because their places are saved.
They are out for a reason.
Because travellers and Gypsies,
as you all know,
live different ways.
They like to keep the in the heritage alive.
They. We like to teach the kids how to live,
not just school like in the real world.
So actually this is ended up being a good thing
rather than a bad thing for everyone involved.
Um. And I get that everybody did get upset yesterday and you know,
there’s a couple and Tracy and.
That I looked at for oh my God like.
And you would get up in arms cause you then even I thought,
oh my God, when the.
When Our grandbaby starts,
we can’t put him down his Gypsy.
We got to put him down his mobile.
It did sound barbaric, to be honest.
Um, I was tagged a few times to do a video,
but I didn’t understand what was going on.
I, I honest to God didn’t understand.
I tried to look it up, I couldn’t find anything.
And I thought,
I don’t want to say too much and completely get it all wrong,
but from what I can gather now,
this was from a newspaper article,
and we know how they twist things,
so, yeah,
misinformation and, yeah,
everyone from the Gypsy traveller community, relax, we’re there.