Richmond Football: Evaluating the Standouts and Contenders

For Richmond, and I’d love your opinion too,
cornes, on where,
where you think this is, but for Richmond,
I’ve gone with lost to win it.
Rioli second, Baker third.
I probably would have gone with Rioli. Um, yep,
Richmond fan. So I mean,
I’m not gonna argue lost
and I thought his first half excellent and was talked,
spoken about as a strong all Australian contender.
Feel like he’s dropped off somewhat.
I feel like Rioli is charged home,
but yep, I could be persuaded either way.
And Baker’s just been pretty solid,
hasn’t he? Oh,
he’s been, yeah,
of course. Those,
those three have two good leaves.
So it’s, um,
makes it interesting too in,
in how that sort of finishes up.