Neuroscientist Reveals 3 Surprising Snack Foods That Could Harm Your Brain

3 snack foods that are killing your brain.
If you’re new to my channel, hi,
my name is Robert Love. I’m a neuroscientist,
and I specialize in helping people prevent alzheimer’s disease
with Science. Snack food No. 1.
Some people think this is healthy for them,
but it is not. It is peanut butter filled pretzels.
This is from Costco. I like Costco.
The problem with peanut butter pretzels is two fold.
Number one, the peanut butter.
These things is low grade peanut butter.
Peanuts No. 1 are inflammatory.
Inflammation is one of the primary risk factors of alzheimer’s disease.
No. 2. The oils used in peanut butter,
like canola oil, can also cause inflammation.
And then you got the pretzels. Um,
the pretzels have gluten. Gluten is inflammatory as well.
So there’s. So
there’s three things that are in peanut butter filled pretzels
that can increase inflammation.
Inflammation is one of the primary risk factors of alzheimer’s disease.
Food No. 2 to avoid. This one tasting delicious,
it is, uh,
potato chips. So potato chips are super duper salty
and that it can increase blood pressure.
That’s not a good thing. Potato chips are also high in, um,
in sugar. Potato chips quickly become, uh,
digested, and those can spike your insulin,
spike your blood glucose levels.
Spikes in insulin and blood glucose
can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes,
and that is a major risk factor for alzheimer’s disease.
Food No. 3 to avoid is breakfast cereals. Why?
Well, breakfast cereals,
No. 1, most of them are high in sugar,
so that’ll spike your insulin,
spike your glucose, and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Over. And No. 2,
a lot of these breakfast cereals have wheat in them,
and wheat has gluten, and gluten increases inflammation.
I love you. God bless you.