Skincare Routine Vlog: Shopping Adventures, Moving In Updates, and Packing Tips

Good morning, vlog.
Let’s do my skincare together.
So I’m actually getting ready to film an ad today,
but it’s not just like a normal one at my house.
I have to drive about an hour
to the store place that I’m filming the ad for.
It’s actually not in the best area,
so my mom is coming with me.
I was gonna go alone, then I realized I’ve never driven this way before.
And then I realized even besides the difficult drive,
it’s just like, not a good area that I wanna go to by myself.
So my mom is coming with me and we’re just gonna make a day out of it.
Like I said, it’s like a store type thing.
I’m going there to film an ad,
but I actually do wanna pick up some Jean shorts.
I feel like I only have like
one pair of Jean shorts that I really like,
and they’re very high rise.
And I’m just like, not into the super high waisted Jean look anymore.
So I want to see if they have some, like,
low rise shorts. I’m obsessed with my low rise Hollister jeans.
If I could just cut those and get them in short version,
I’ll be awesome.
So I’m looking for something like that.
Update on packing and moving in.
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about when I’m moving in,
so I’m gonna bring all my stuff down one day this week.
I think probably Monday. And then I’m for real,
for real moving in Thursday,
because Thursday is our first football game,
so I wanna be at school for that.
I was gonna move all my stuff in on Wednesday,
but then I was like, what am I gonna do?
Like, if I.
I move all my stuff in on Wednesday,
and then I just, like,
sit there, like,
bored, waiting for the football game.
Like, I just feel like if I’m bored and alone,
I’m gonna be sad.
So I’m kind of just trying to set myself up for success,
to not be lonely and sad. So therefore,
I’m just gonna move all my stuff in a random day and just, like,
commute for that day. So I think on Monday,
I’m gonna bring all my stuff,
but then just come home. And then on Thursday morning,
I’m gonna go get ready for the football game.
And then after the football game,
stay over. And then, like,
I just think in my brain,
that makes more sense and will be more comforting to me.
Like, this is the reason why I’m here.
Like, there was a game today,
you’re here. Like,
maybe we’ll go out at night.
I don’t know, but I just thought if I went Wednesday,
it would have been too early,
and I would have felt, like,
kind of stressed and anxious. Anyway,
update on the packing. I packed up, like,
most of my clothes yesterday,
if not all my clothes. I need to do last minute, like,
bra and underwear, socks,
but, like,
I did my main clothes. I feel accomplished,
but at the same time, I really didn’t do much.
I packed very, very,
very light compared to last year.
Why isn’t this coming out?
And because now I know how often I come home.
I’m not packing. Like,
I think when I moved in last year,
I packed for until Thanksgiving or until Christmas,
which was crazy crazy. So for now, I’m.
I literally just packed summer and then, like,
cold summer clothes, if that makes sense.
I haven’t even packed fall clothes yet.
Like, haven’t packed sweatpants.
I literally just packed summer clothes and then, like,
summer clothes for if it gets cold at night,
and that’s it. Ruckers is so weird.
Like, normally people move in on silly week.
We have, like,
a whole week that’s just, like,
going out, and then we have actual silly week.
So, like,
I can come home anytime and grab more things that I forgot,
and I know that I’m gonna be home on the weekends,
so I’m just gonna bring fall clothes in, like,
a few weeks. I’m not packing my closet yet.
And then same thing with winter.
I can always come home and grab my winter coat on a weekend.
Like, it doesn’t need to be at school right now.
Shoes, on the other hand,
I go crazy with shoes
because I never know what shoes I’m Gonna Wanna wear.
So I did pack every pair of shoes that I own.
Okay, I feel like I just rambled a lot.
In conclusion, I packed clothes for just this first few weeks.
I’m bringing everything to school on Monday,
and I will be at school permanently on Thursday.
But I’ll probably go home sometime before classes start
because there’s literally nothing to do
during the days when you don’t have class.
Okay, I’m gonna stop my skincare here,
but because I’m filming, I might wanna put a little bit of makeup on.
So I’m not sure yet, but if I do,
I’m gonna make a separate.
Get ready with me for that. Thanks for watching.