Visiting My Godmother: A Journey of Love and Connection

I’m visiting my godmother in a nursing home.
Uh, I have to come up.
I don’t see her as often as I’d like,
because for me to get here,
it’s a good two and a half hours each way, um,
and about kind of 80 quid in money.
And I love her dearly, but I just can’t do it. Well,
of as often as I’d like. But it’s fine.
She is failing, so I think,
you know, I’m not sure she’s aware how often people come anyway,
but I came,
introduce myself.
She always has trouble recognizing me or being sure who I am now.
And they came to get her for lunch,
and the. The lady said, right,
well, I’ll wheel you down.
And obviously she said, come on,
We can. You know,
I’ve said, like,
can you come down to lunch, too?
They’re having the kitchens refurbished,
so they can’t have them in the normal dining room,
and they’ve got a smaller room up here dedicated.
So I went and sat down and thought,
actually, the lamb sounds amazing.
I’d love some of the lamb.
It looks quite gorgeous. But unfortunately, my.
My godmother’s vegetarian.
We. She wouldn’t have had it anyway,
so it’s off the menu. And bless her,
one of the healthcare assistants had to try and explain to me
that I couldn’t stay for lunch
because there wasn’t physically room for all of the residents.
And, bless her,
she was trying so hard. Not to be rude.
And she wasn’t rude. She was completely lovely
and seemed to be so concerned that I would somehow take offence.
And she’s like, it’s fine.
You just explain why I can’t stay.
I’m only being sociable. Um,
it’s absolutely fine. So
now I’m just hoping that my godmother remembers that
I’m gonna be sitting in her room when she gets back from lunch.
I do love her dearly, but. Yeah.