Uncovering the Gaza Fundraising Controversy: The Connections and Questionable Priorities of Kamala Harris’s Relatives

Hey guys, I am here with some concerning news.
So two out of the three people featured in this picture from the DNC
are close relatives of Kamala Harris,
who are also raising money for Gaza.
Now, I want to be very clear about what that means.
Funding that is purportedly for humanitarian aid
often ends up in the hands of Hamas.
Don’t take my word for it.
This is. According to reports from the U S.
Treasury and the Israeli government,
Hamas has consistently siphoned off charitable donations
meant for the people of Gaza
to fund its terror activities.
This isn’t speculation. This is a documented fact.
Now, we already knew that Ella Mhoff,
Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter,
was involved in raising money for UNRA,
which has been directly linked to the October 7th massacre.
So much so that the U S.
And other countries have suspended funding to this organization.
And now we learn that Kamala’s niece,
Mina Harris, has also jumped on this bandwagon,
framing it as an urgent humanitarian crisis.
Amina’s Instagram page,
she is linking to a one million dollar fundraising appeal
for the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund,
where she has more than 700,000 followers.
She never mentions the October 7th massacre,
which LED to this humanitarian crisis.
She also showed her disdain for her aunt’s support for Israel
on stage at the DNC by posting a photo of herself at the convention
wearing an activist pin that reads
Democrats for Palestinian rights.
She posted this on her Instagram story.
this pin was handed out during the convention by uncommitted delegates
who are angry with this administration.
Support for Israel in terms of this fundraising campaign.
Let’s not be naive. The sad truth is that much of this money
never reaches the people who need it.
It never reaches the people who it’s intended for.
Instead, it funds the very group that started this war,
that has repeatedly violated ceasefires,
and that continues to hold innocent civilians hostage.
Now, while I know that Ella Mhoff and Mina Harris
do not speak for Kamala Harris herself,
I do find it deeply concerning that these two young women,
both closely related to the democratic presidential nominee,
are choosing to make this their cause.
What does it say about the values they hold?
And more importantly,
what does it say about the influences and priorities
within Kamala Harris’s circle?
If this is what they’re fighting for,
we all need to be asking some very serious questions.