Title: Mastering the Art of Vertical Rushing in Football

You’re selling vertical.
Eventually what has to happen is my shoulders have to turn to respect.
If you don’t have a good get off,
my shoulders don’t have turn to respect.
I’m gonna create contact here.
It doesn’t work. So if you have a good get off,
I’m kicking. 1 kick,
2 kick. I have to turn my shoulders as soon as I turn my shoulders.
If you want no underneath,
but it’s up and underneath situation.
So it’s really like a one step and now I’m working back.
One, two, three.
I’m working back underneath.
Your key for this is kick as soon as my shoulders start to go.
Now you can work. I have to respect your vertical rush now.
Football IQ just knowing this.
Your first rush of the day,
third and long. You just had an amazing get off.
You beat this dude with a ghost.
You beat him with speed of the outside.
He’s like, whoa,
that kid’s fast. Next kick step.
If you know you have an open underneath,
I’m like, I’m gonna sell it vertical
cause I’m gonna make him think I’m gonna do the same exact thing I did.
He’s really gonna over exaggerate now and then.
Try to respect that.
And then you’re going to be working underneath back to the quarterback.
I just want to see body position.
See that? See how the shoulders turn.
Good stuff, Pete.