Muscles vs. Body Fat: The Evolution of What We Want in a Man

I’m starting to realise what I want in a man
and what I need in a man are two different things.
What I want in a man is like a hot body,
you know, just like muscles everywhere,
just Aquaman, just wet.
I saw one recently,
a guy with just a whole bunch of muscles for no reason,
just in his neck. So I was like,
you know what? I’m gonna shoot my shot.
I went up to him, I said, hey.
He was like, hey.
I said, so what do you do?
He was like, I’m a personal trainer.
And I was like, ooh, broke,
broke, broke,
broke, broke.
I’m starting to realise that my lifestyle requires a man with body fat.
Every time I see a man with a stomach,
I’m like, ooh,
he got a good job.
I’ll take a man with a stomach any day,
cause I know that he eats,
I eat, we eat.