Title: The Free Kick Showdown: A Tale of Confidence and Competition

Yo, yo, yo,
hold on. Let me take the free kick.
Let me take it. Let me take it.
I’m telling you. Weren’t you just on the bench?
You can’t coach,
just sub me on, right
for this moment. He can’t sub you on for this moment.
He can sub me on for this moment,
cause that’s what he just did.
He said, hey,
you’re top five in the world at taking.
You’re not top five. There’s ranking.
I might actually be top three.
There’s rankings for that.
You’re not even in the top.
He said, Mike down.
You score this, it’s gonna be world class.
If Henry scores it, it’ll be okay. Dude,
I’ve scored. Yeah,
I’ve scored. I’ve scored.
What have you done? What?
I’ve scored the past three that I’ve taken,
they were all world class.
And he said he wanted me to take it.
Okay, take one then. Take one then.
Let’s get back on defense.