Rethinking the Traditional 8 to 5 Work Day: How Hormone Cycles Impact Productivity and Lifestyle Choices

the traditional eight to five work day schedule
was designed to accommodate men’s testosterone levels
men are on a 24 hour hormone cycle
while women are on a 28 day cycle
that means that half the population is conform to working a schedule
that’s working against them
no wonder why women feel tired all the time
schedule was literally made for men in the 24 hour testosterone cycle
the morning hours when men wake up
they have a spike of testosterone in cortisol
this causes an increase in energy focus
productivity and communication
which is when they’re working
in the afternoon the testosterone levels drop
this puts men in the moon to stabilize socialize
go out with their friend this is a consistent cycle every single day
this is what the workplace was built around
was men wanna wake up they wanna work hard during the day
and then they wanna go out at night
hence the 8 to 5 and there’s a lot of women that love this schedule
by the way like
good for them but for most women
when our hormones go around a 28 day cycle
it’s a lot harder to not feel burnt out every single day
when our hormones fluctuate
not saying just stay home and don’t work if you’re a woman
because of our hormones no
fuck that you guys know I’m not like that
but I will say
there’s better ways to work and to go about your lifestyle than working
the normal like 8
9 to 5 for example
I knew this was something that was very important to me
was I wanted to work on my own time
because some days I feel really good
some days I don’t so I got into remote sales
that way I can close deals from anywhere in the world
so if you are a woman that wants to put your lifestyle first
and then business second
you need to find an industry that will allow you to do this
but let me know what you think of this article