Chasing Dreams: A Marathon Runner’s Journey Through Europe for a Cause

This was one of the most beautiful weeks of running,
of my life. Week 12.
Training to run all six Abbott World Marathon Majors
under three hours this year
and raise $100,000 for the Bronx Burners.
Big update. We’ve raised 70,000.
Starting in Paris at the end of the Olympics,
it was stunning, honestly.
Seeing all the major sites lit up with the Olympic rings.
It was incredible. Then onto majev in the Alps.
Fresh air, hills.
Croissants did a hike up the mountain.
Really special experience.
But it was Paris to Paros, Greece.
I love running in Greece. They’re always quiet seaside roads
and the dirt trails that are lower impact.
Paris has some sandier flats,
so the colors in the water are amazing.
It was a great week to reset and get ready for the peak push.
Heading to the fall marathons.