Waking Up to a New Day: Diary of Excitement, Adventures, and Personal Growth

So you come back to sleep. So two years and they know her obviously there too, like a like it’s too 20s. I probably don’t even have to be there till 3, but you’re gonna try to get there around like 30th. I’m so okay. Okay. Feeling clean.

Binging secret life. Just had a banana. Still too early to brush my teeth. I don’t know. But it’s beautiful out. I’m excited to get ready today. I’m excited to not get ready tomorrow. We’ve splash flash and the next day’s lashes. So I also don’t have to get ready. I guess almost I’d wanna do my hair afterwards, which I’d probably want to. And then the next day is my hair extensions. I’ve never got them put in. I’m so excited. I always told myself I wouldn’t be able to afford it or blah, blah when I spent more money on hair than it cost to get my hair done cuz he’s a geek. So personally my hair is out and I’m so excited to like wake up every day and like myself and not have like these wires on the top of my head. I’m hoping my hair grows out with it. I’m so excited. Get ready for some cute ass videos this coming week. Oh my God, with Kia. It’s kidding, Peter. Okay, I got a tiny nabin and I don’t nap. What the is my eyebrow doing? I look evil. I look like I’m gonna take over the freaking world. I don’t know. Anyway, at Tyven, I don’t feel good about morning and I just finished throwing up, like just finished. Can you tell? So it’s 11:15 and I’m gonna check it. Oh my God, I felt so sick. I think I feel better after throwing up.

The only insights. I just taken an Advil and a couple hours ago I took fiber and my metables and boosters. I’m trying to get my metables and going again. I just finish vomiting. I’m gonna try getting ready now and clean chase right shirt. So sorry, that was a lot. This supposed to be a fun vlog. I’m keeping it real though.

Airport now officially get here. I’m actually entire Ri. Cuz I don’t know what’s it, but we’re walking in also. Kia, sorry. I know I told you I’d match you and then it was too hot out and I regret not just matching just to run into hug you. So sorry.

The data, the batch 5 are arriving at her river and our clothing for airline local way today, there’s been still, okay, where are you, Kia? Where are you? Here? Where are you, KO? Where are you, FIA? In time, pull me over.

Kia is in the vehicle here. Key days here.

Chipotles leg. I can move on my fake doll. Hi, Kia. Hi, Juliana. What did you kill? Looking at you. Juliana, are you here?

Drinks on Mommy. Thank you, Mommy. Think about me. Would you be at the brewery, furry, peeing together? As soon as they put it on my plate, my time today. What a way to go.

Actual camera. Goodbye. Tell that. Got the Cheetah one, too. Like what’s going on, right, bro? Relax. Relax.

Really bad it doesn’t. Bedtime cuttles matching great Julian. And here the chronicles. Day, night. Day, night, night one. Night 1, avocados. Ready, prepare.