Revolutionizing Technology: A Wishlist for the Future of Phones

What is something you wish your phone can do for you nowadays?
One thing. It’d be so dope if like
your phone can like
scan your body and tell you like
what’s wrong. And what you need?
Like you’re on like
video call and then you just like
jump through and like
go through a portal then you’re there like
like that would be crazy.
Can I say something not can be real?
Yeah, no.
Of course. Yeah,
it could be anything. Teleport.
We were all thinking that.
So we don’t have to fly. Yes,
I agree. Listen, this
I was thinking about creating a hydration app
that tells you you should stay hydrated
and it’s just my voice. Like,
would you would you download it?
I would cause I feel like it’s important to get two liters of water every day
and you forget sometimes stay hydrated.
Drink a lot of water.