Veterinarian’s Guide: Preparing a Nutritious Diet for your Large Breed Dog

Hi guys my name is Amir and I’m a veterinarian
and today I’m gonna show you guys how I prepare my dog’s food
so firstly I feed her twice a day because she’s a large breed dog
and I don’t want to risk bloat
and she’s on a diet
so she’s not gonna get as much as she usually does
and I’ve weighed out her food already
so I have got her on the Diamond Naturals dog food
it’s corn and wheat free and it has a lot of super foods
I really like this food
it’s in South Africa right now and it’s awesome and secondly
I add a joint supplement so guys
the normal dog foods that you guys are feeding
usually don’t have any beneficial ingredients for joints
and if you have a large breed dog
or an old dog that’s starting to develop arthritis
they need to be on some kind of joint supplement
because they’re simply not getting enough with
with the normal foods that we’re feeding them
and after that I add a dental powder
so if you guys are not brushing your dog’s teeth
you need to be doing something and dental chews are usually useless
so the dental powder basically coats the pellets
it’s got activated charcoal and seaweed extract and as your dog chews
it actually cleans the teeth
and it’s really good for stinky breath as well
and my dog is one of those that really suffers with bad breath
so The moment I stop using this,
her breath gets rancid.
So this is like a religious thing for me at this point.
It’s called zest and Pep dental powder.
And thirdly is I add an Omega 3 supplement.
You guys know I’ve been going on about Omega 3 forever.
It is literally such a necessity.
It has so many benefits. So if your dogs have allergies,
scratching a lot, I b, s,
I B d,
or even arthritis, they need to be on an Omega 3 supplement.
It makes all the difference.
And then finally, I add one raw egg.
I don’t do this every single day.
Sometimes I’ll alternate between a raw egg and some chicken,
some steamed or cooked chicken,
but not with oil. And I obviously don’t wanna add too much raw egg, guys,
because it has that egg yellow,
which is high in cholesterol.
It’s just gonna make her fatter than what she already is.
I know vets, dogs are always fat.
It’s just the way it is.
And there we go. We’ve got our egg.
Good. That’s it.
All done. My dog is going to live forever.