Finding Inspiration in Adaptation: How to Generate Innovative Business Ideas

Someone asked me recently,
how do I come up with new ideas?
And I said, I’ve never actually had an original idea in my whole life.
And they were like, what?
And that’s the truth. Every idea I’ve basically had,
I’ve looked at something that’s already been working,
and then I figured out how to do it for a different segment,
a different target audience.
So, for example,
in famine, we didn’t come up with the influencer industry,
we didn’t come up with the idea of connecting brands to influences.
But I saw that going on in America,
and I thought, right,
I’m gonna figure out how to do it for a different segment
which is targeted at the Gen Z audience.
And that framework can basically
be used for coming up with any business idea that you actually want.