Implications of Equating Sexy Red and Donald Trump: A Sociopolitical Analysis

Sexy red and Donald Trump are two peas in a pod.
Think about what I’m saying.
Donald Trump, in a political sphere,
can say whatever he want. You won’t have to vote anymore,
my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians.
I’m a Christian. He is committing political suicide.
Any other generation. I agree with that.
The point of sexy red and in equating them to each other
is because if you don’t care about life,
fuck that. If you don’t care about yourself,
how you supposed to care about life?
Oh baby, we love Trump.
We need him back in office.
Can we also give them time to evolve?
Cause she’s still extremely new.
No, I’m with it.
No, but my whole thing is.
And I know
I’m at the gynecologist trying to see what’s going on with my box.
I’m in the car smoking weed with the baby in the back seat.
I’m pregnant and I’m looking for a baby daddy.
We can’t keep celebrating this shit.
No, I do think in the hood,
growing up in the hood. Cause just like I did too,
people do evolve and change as they get older.
I did. So I think we should give her some time.
No, we are giving her time.
Because I don’t think, um.
I don’t think that’s gonna last for her to continue
you to keep. I’mma give you time to grow.
But the box be crazy though.
No, the box is crazy.
But listen,
if You’re living a certain thing that people are imitating mine.
It’s like. It’s like me to you if I told you. No,
let’s be 100% piggy. I’ve been with you through all your relationships.
I mean. Well,
no, it’s cool.
No, go ahead.
I’ve been watching you through your whole relationship, right?
Yes. If I was gonna be a dirty dick nigga
telling you to be a dirty dick nigga,
do you think you would have been a dirty dick nigga
seeing me be successful? No.
But I’ve been married 25 years.
How are you pattering your life?
She has an audience, and they are literally buying what she’s selling.
No, exactly.
The bop is going to make her relevant.
Relevant. So when she stops and evolves,
it’s gonna be somebody else that takes that spot.
Yeah, but that’s not a spot that should be filled.
I got you. It’s a spot that should be destroyed.