The Power to Choose: A Collection of Nine Stories for Kids

Have you read this book, what should Danny do?
It is one of my new favorite books.
It has nine stories in one.
So Danny has a superpower.
It’s the power to choose. And the power to choose can change your day.
So this is an awesome lesson.
Your students or your child can help you decide
what should Danny do? And he has two choices.
One’s a good one and one’s a bad one.
And depending on your choice,
you go to a certain page, and that changes the outcome of his day.
How awesome is that? They can see what a difference that choice
would have made in their day.
So this one for preschool is definitely the best.
I did just get this one school day,
which is really wonderful.
But maybe not as much for preschool.
It’s more for, like,
kindergarten or first grade,
um, because it doesn’t really reflect, like,
the preschool day. So this one is still my favorite.
Let me show you a page from it.
Today is a special day because you’ll be making choices for me.
When you get to the end of the day,
you can start over and make different choices.
Then we’ll see if the power to choose really does change my day. Ready?
Let’s go. Hmm.
I smell pancakes. I love pancakes.
I zoom down the stairs. Chocolate chip pancakes!
I yell.
But then I see my brother Charlie eating from our ninjitsu ninja plate.
That plate Is my favorite.
I want the ninja plate, I say.
I know you love that plate,
Mommy says, but Charlie’s already eating from it.
She puts two pancakes in front of me.
But they’re on the alphabet plate.
I already know my alphabet.
What should Danny do? Should he eat the pancakes on the alphabet plate,
or should he yell until he gets the ninja plate?
Let’s see what happens if he yells to get the ninja plate that says
go to page sixteen.
I yell, I stomp!
I scream! No fair!
I want the ninja plate! I say.
It isn’t helping! I push the alphabet plate away from me.
My super muscles are so strong!
The plate zooms into the picture of orange juice. Oops!
It spills everywhere! Orange juice on the table,
orange juice on the floor!
Orange juice on my pancakes! Yuck!
Mommy hands me a towel. Great,
now my pancakes are ruined and I have to clean up the mess.
So this is one of those books that is definitely a must have.