Get Ready with Me: Birthday Celebration with Friends and Self-Care Reflections

Hey guys, get ready with me today whilst I meet my friends for about the female. I mean, it is for my birthday, but my birthday is a bit and gone like it was in 2nd June. And I see under June, but the reason that it’s so late is cuz no one’s back home from New Year. Like people have just got back like Ellen wanted to just came back yesterday. So no say day before.

And so like is the first time all of us except it’s kind of sad and I’m not gonna be there. Another reason, my two neighbors, which is very sad. Apart from them, everyone else is gonna be there. So we’re all going to brighten and we’re gonna all have food. I will also be blogging guys, so I’ll watch that as well.

But yeah, and I was gonna wear, it’s not anything like beauty to focus. It’s more mature. I’m just going to a cafe in Brian. I’m just gonna chill on the beach after. So it’s not gonna be anything crazy cuz I’ve already had my birthday, like Celebration kind of this is kind of an excuse to get everyone back care about.

Yeah, no. So I’ve got to say like, don’t mind hat I put it up in my colors. Like I don’t know if it’s gonna do anything though, because every time I do it, so hit a mess. But we have to say I will take out the end what is faster? I’m gonna do my lashes again.

I’m gonna do them off a camera because I stresses me out. Like once I came and did my lashes for a bit, then they’d ask it like two days and then they fell off. So that didn’t work. So I have to do it myself again. So we all know it’s gonna be botched back.

Just have to deal with it. Okay, I’ve done my lashes again. Like I said, I’ve watched none of my cream on. I feel like all I ever do is put this cream on, right? And I’m gonna speak about this cream quickly because I’ve loved it my whole life. My mom’s the reason I wear this cream actually.

And Miss Emily said, my best friend always doesn’t like, it’s really bad for you. It’s really bad. Feel like don’t use the scream. And I was like, I’m still gonna use it because it’s my favorite thing. And then recently I’ve just seen on my for you page, like recently, like people using the screen is getting like millions of likes.

So I’m like, you know what, I’m never listening to my friends again because she had me doubting my favorite cream like this. It just does things with me. Do you know why? It’s cuz my moms made me use since I was a child to the point where like the thought of like leaving my house like for me makeup is this like, you know, like when you go out without earrings and you feel disgusting. For me, I do feel about earrings, but I also feel about this cream.

If I leave the house, I don’t know if which moisturize I’m having bad day because Nivea spells for me. But also I want to talk about how I’ve just been a bit of a case gonna just take like a sad turn.

I’ve just been a bit of a funk or whatever you like to call it. Like I’ve just not been feeling like near recently. And I think it’s largely because my friends have not been in town. So I’ve been brought out my mind cuz when I tell you I wanna be outside the summer, I wanna be side, but when your friends aren’t here, who can you be outside with them on yourself? And so like I was really like sad and I think it was my period as well to be fair.

Like I just wasn’t replying to anyone and like even as you know, like you good bro, like why you’re applying? Cuz that’s really unlike me. And like, I’m in like a mood. I’m not, I’m usually always replying. I’m chronically online. She can already tell.

But yeah, I think it’s like the pressure of having a really good summer every year. Cuz last summer, I always say 20,20, say someone was the best summer of my life. Like, and it was so good without even me like trying.

And so I feel like I have to constantly live up to that Saba. And in doing so, I’m just thinking it cuz I’ve been inside the past, not inside, like, obviously, do you leave, but like I haven’t seen anyone like 2 weeks at my friends cuz they’re still literally I just came back. So it’ll be nice to see you today and hopefully it puts me about a mood. Cuz I’ve just, I don’t know, like I think it might be the sun as well. Like, I just really like headaches, just always falling asleep.

Like this is really unlike me. I’ve not been feeling like myself. So I’m very glad to be getting out the house today. And Anna’s also staying the night here. So I can’t wait. The tea is gonna tea. I haven’t seen that in ages.

I mean, we said that, but we literally, we always pull the tea. We can’t ever wait. But you know, when you see the friend in your life and then just say the same tea again, that’s awesome. We’ll tell people talk about ESM and drama to stay. But yeah, I’ve just hopefully like this lifts me up in feel better cuz I hate being sad on the sun’s out.

Like who wants that? I like nothing. I hate being broke. Like, I just wanna have the best way ever by having money. Like who wants to find myself and who wants to, maybe I should set up like a go find way, but I’m gonna do my lips now.

And the life me I can’t find my Vaseline so I’m just gonna have to use this ellip mask, which is not the right thing to use, but whenever I have used the right thing, so this is really not Vaseline, but it’s gonna have to do. And I feel like another reason also that I just get sad cuz my sister is not around like those of you have our older sister that moves away. We’ll understand the feeling like I feel like I’ve lost half of my, half of me. And that’s what it feels like. Cuz usually if I’m, or I’m just like, let’s do something like we just do something.

But everyone to do that with so kind of sad cuz, you know, she’s an adult now. She has her own life. Connor is ever around, but should come over. Like last week, I think we went to watch. Okay, please don’t judge me on ideas cuz it’s not good. I’m not good.

Yeah, we went inside out and inside. That’s a really special film for me because when the first film came out, my grandparents were in town in the country.

They were in India before, but they came and visited. That year was like 2015, I believe. And instead of the first one to just come out and I was like really depressed cuz they’d left and I was like, oh, what you mean between yourself? Build that you girl thought it was gonna be you, 10 year old Maggie thought it was gonna be like this uplifting film, but no, it’s about sadness and emotions. And I was already depressed cuz my grandpa stuff, when I tell you after that film, I went upset something, right?

I was crying all day. Like my mom like doesn’t, she’s not a person. She, it’s quite, no offense, Mommy, she’s a bit cold.

She doesn’t really give me any hug, something like that. Never has. Like, you know, it was bad when her, my 10 year old self was sat on a lap crying and she was like being really nice and I was like, to the point she called my uncle was like, I don’t know what to do with this child. She would not stop crying. Like a mom was worried.

Like when I tell you I was not so crying, there was nonstop crime. He just wouldn’t end. So for that reason, I can always have a special memory.

And like what’s weird, like 10 years later, is it 10 years, nine, 10 years later, international tools come out and my grammar is here once again. So it’s like a really four circle moment. So do you have a special connection that film? And I would say it was a very good film in the sense of like anxious. I don’t know if I’ve ever said on here, but I do have anxiety myself.

So I resonate it a lot. Okay, clips are done. I’m gonna look at the lashes day. I just know people watch the slide. Why is this? Go guys. Just ignore. I know I’m bad.

At least for self aware. That’s a step in the right direction. Community, my hair now it’s getting around you guys. But let’s see if this worked. O E o o, right?

Okay. Also coming here. Okay. I don’t think I like it, but not the haircut. This curves.

So if I brush them to really obey, okay, work with this. Obviously, I’m gonna fix this part over here when I get back. Actually, that presentable guys, but just kind of giving. Okay, I move the camera. I’m ready. Oh, this is the fit. Why? And I got my tummies on.

And guys, I don’t mean about my hair. I don’t think I like it. Like it’s my, it’s currently, but I kind of I kind of brushed I didn’t brush it out, but I wait removed it about it t right says kind of not that work curvy, but.