Advocating for Fairness: The Importance of Standardized Protocols in Sports

As I said,
these kind of instances are the very reason why we founded P T P A.
That is always advocating for, um,
fair protocols, clear protocols,
for standardized approaches, um,
to this kind of cases. And I understand that the frustration of the.
Of the players, um,
is there because of lack of consistency.
and as I understood, his case was cleared the moment basically,
it was announced. Um,
but, you know,
I think five or six months passed, uh,
since the. The news, uh,
was brought to. To him and his team. Um,
so, yeah,
I mean, there,
there’s. There’s a.
There’s a lot of issues in the system. Uh,
we see lack of, uh,
standardize and clear protocols. Um,
I can understand the sentiments of a lot of players
that are questioning whether they are treated the same.
and hopefully the.
The governing bodies of our sport will be able to learn from this case
and have a. A better approach for the future.
I think collectively,
there has to be a. A change.