Title: Empowering Education and Support: A Journey of Giving Back and Connecting Globally

Let’s chat and get ready together.
Some of you guys may know already that I grew up in India.
I lived there for about six years before moving to the U S.
And something that I’ve been thinking about a lot
is to really give back to the community that I grew up in.
Many schools in the village that I actually grew up in
have a lack of feminine care products.
I’m currently working with my dad
to figure out a way to make feminine products more accessible,
especially for all the young girls
in the schools that I grew up going to.
I just Learned that the Moneygram app
a really convenient and easy way to send money internationally,
whether you’re supporting family back home
or sending gifts to loved ones.
I need a reliable way to send money like this internationally
to my family to help support projects that I’m passionate about.
So it’s great to know that Moneygram can do exactly that.
They can serve in over 200+ countries and territories,
which is great. If you have friends,
family, or community that you want to support abroad,
make sure to download Moneygram today. Love you guys.