Navigating Disputes and Financial Challenges: A Customer Service Interaction

No, ma’am, it wasn’t. It definitely wasn’t a problem to file disputes for. You were able to do that at any time, but. Yes, ma’am, if you would. Yes, ma’am, if you would like me contain you. Okay. Okay, no problem. You go ahead.

Yes, yes. So what I was saying was, I definitely understand your frustration and I wanna make sure that I at least answer the questions that you have for me. But yes, we can’t do Three Way calls. We usually, if you guys cost someone or three or we do have to know ahead of time, but we do have to verify it’s okay to speak with them. But in regards to your apartment complex, that is a third party. So even with the issue that you’re having, we wouldn’t have any say so or any legal grounds to that.

Right. Right. But you, ma’am, you’re stating that you. Right. You’re saying that you were sent to court because of unpaid rental payment, right? For the last two and a/2 months, right? Cuz you were catching up. Okay. Yes, ma’am. And I understand that and I understand how overwhelming that could be. But those payments were the ones that you disputed a month and a half ago. You disputed those two payments and you went into a spill in regards to housing and the apartment complex and things they weren’t doing. And again, I told you that we have no legal rounds over that, but it’s my job to file dispute. So if you’re saying that these are unauthorized charges, they just took the money out of your account via automatic payment. I’m not sure that was because you were catching up or not. All I know is that you did file the dispute for those. So we did go ahead and file those disputes for you. Right? Right. And if they sent you something stating that the payments were. Dispute it because you disputed them and then they told you that you needed to use another form of payment. I’m not I’m just not sure how that could how we can help with that.

No, ma’am. But, no, ma’am. But you did tell us to go ahead and file that dispute. It shows it here in the notes for you, right? You filed a dispute for the April payment and the may payment, and this is the June. So I’m not sure if you paid that or not, but that would be three months. So they’re saying that you’re behind our rent and they have not received those payments that you disputed. Again, we can’t do anything in regards that. All I can do is tell you to reach back out to them. Because if you disputed them and they’re saying that you need to use a different form of payment because you disputed those, I can’t take those disputes off because it’s already been taken care of, right? And even though we let, we cancel those disputes because you disputed those, they are wanting you to pay in a different form of a method from what you’re telling me. That’s what I’m hearing you say.

Right. And you can definitely come into the bank to get a cashier’s check. We can. We do print those out for you, right, ma’am? But in regards, if you spent that money and you thought you paid your rent, but you have a note saying that they need a different form of payment. That means that the payment was not made, right? So if you don’t have the money in your account now to go ahead and make that payment, then you would still need to speak with your apartment complex or your housing. We can’t make them change their mind. We can’t tell them like, oh, well, you should accept this payment cuz it is their decision.

Yeah, I could definitely send you something stating that you filed a dispute and that we have no control over them accepting cashier shakes or a bank, right? We have no control over that. I can definitely send you that, right? And that’s not gonna help you. And that’s what I’m trying to tell you, that it’s not gonna help you cuz we have no control over that. They’re just wanting their payment in general. But if you don’t have it, then, okay. So at this point, with the option that I’ve already gave you, letting you know where you can reach out to, letting you know what I can do for you. Was there anything else that I could help with since we’re kind of at a standstill with this issue now? I’m hungabon every time I tell somebody the truth, the facts that they call in for, oh, you’re rude, man. I raise my voice. Now what I’m say.