Gratitude for the Inventors of Toddler Beds and Other Daily Reflections

I’m proud of you
how was your day today
anything good in it
were you kind to someone
did you find something that made you happy
did you smile about anything
were you proud of something or grateful for something
anything at all?
my good is
it’s gonna sound a little bit weird
but I’m extremely grateful
for people who make toddler beds
and round out all the pieces of the wood instead of making them sharp
it’s a very smart design
my kid got hurt today and it was absolutely terrible
I know you can’t avoid things sometimes
but man
I’m okay he’s okay
because it was rounded he didn’t end up needing stitches or anything like that
ooh as a mom, hearing your kid cry
it’s probably one of the worst feelings in the world
so that’s my gratitude today
is inventors of toddler beds uh
made them very smart
hope that you know that I’m happy you’re here
I hope that you had a good day
hope that you remember that we pick people who pick us and that
when we know people are showing up for us
there’s no confusion it’s just there
you don’t hesitate you don’t wonder if it’s not a fuck yes
it’s a fuck no
that’s it
and that’s okay cause we only want people who want us anyway
i hope you have really sweet dreams tonight
I hope they’re calm and peaceful
I hope that you stay
i hope that you know that your life has value and meaning and that you matter
i hope that you stay
I’m sorry I don’t post this much
I’ve been going through a lot lately
and I started my own therapy
so it’s just been kind of hectic
and I’m doing my best and I’m proud of you
and I didn’t forget about you
and I hope that you stay even if I don’t say it every night
I always think it and I’m gonna try and be better about it okay
sweet dreams