Morning Routine at Our Sweet Treat Store in Soho: From Delivery to Opening Day

We have a lovely store in Soho,
as you guys know, so I thought today
I would show you how we open up and get it ready in the mornings
for you to come in and get your sweet treats.
We had a delivery today. Oopsie.
So we had to put everything away.
And then, of course,
set up that coffee machine and get those drinks rolling for everyone.
And then make sure the shop is looking all pretty.
Meg’s putting our sign out,
then I’m gonna put the light on where you can take all your cute pics,
and voila! The counter is full.
We’ve just got to grab the cookies from upstairs.
And we’ve got a different one on rotation this week.
Lemon meringue, one of my faves,
so just got to change that on the till.
Here she is! And we are ready for a fab day. Come say hi.