Analyzing the Real Housewives of New Jersey Drama: Boundaries, Reactions, and Perspectives

Okay, so while I’m on my break, we’ll have nobody here. I’m willing and you know, everyone is in the way out. I talk about like random pop culture reality. Something is, you know, every blue moon I do it. Like I think I did Jersey Shore that went exam. I wanna talk about Real Housewives in New Jersey because I absolutely love that show. But there was an incident recently that occurred on the show between Danielle and Jennifer a then.

And a lot of people are like, Jen finally got what she deserved. Yet you talked at math. You know, you got all that math. Finally, what did you expect? Like everybody is like, yeah, Danielle head, the correct reaction to Jens running her mouth. Now, for those of you who don’t know, Jane and Daniel was having a heated discussion.

And a lot of people are tripping on this part. They’re like gentle space. It’s like, no. Danielle repeatedly stepped into Jen’s face, then yell repeatedly put her finger in Jen’s face. Well, during this conversation. And both of them did, you know, they omit show they do that.

They talk with their hands and stuff like that all in their face and, which is, wow, that’s crazy to me. And the last time that Danielle stepped into Jen’s personal space, I mean like here, Jen reacted and pushed her out of her personal space. And then Danielle Heater upside the head with a plastic cup, black hop, and the cup broke on Jen’s face. And everybody’s like, yes, Jen should have never put her hands on her.

Jenn put her hands on her first, blah, blah, blah. She deserved it, whatever the case may be. And as I was watching it, I was curious because, I mean, the main people in the show are Caucasian and genes Turkish. I mean, we got black Dolores. She’s not really black, but, you know, you know, I’m saying he’s a ta.

I wouldn’t not even cut from the cop kiss me. They attacking boat in some cut. I don’t know the Wi phone. So and I was watching it from, I can’t help but watch certain things from a black perspective because I’m black, right? We all got our own perspective based off of our ethnicity and our cultural backgrounds.

It is some, it just is what it is, right? And so it made me wonder if all of, a lot of the people are siding with Danielle or a good majority of it are signing with Danielle in this one because Jen does have a history of running that mouth. And when she gets overly excited, she might throw a hands on the table or she might toss something. I’m directly at somebody. But you know, it’s like on the table.

She’s doing, she’s real dramatic, right? And so, and she got a history of having these kind of interactions with people.

Now, mind you, backstory, her and Melissa had this kind of same interaction where Jim put her hands on Melissa. But you know, Melissa did first stepped into Jane’s personal space.

She’s stepped into Jane’s personal space with her hands out, like she’s approaching her with her hands out. And when she did that, Jen just was like, back up, right, right. And everybody was like up in arms cuz Jen put her hands on her.

But as an African American woman in mind you, I’m somebody who, you know, my feathers don’t get ruffled easily at all. Watching it. The first misstep was the finger pointing. You’re invading somebody’s personal space. You’re crossing boundaries with the finger pointing. And both ladies were doing it. But from my African American eyes, as the good sis, Miss Tammy Roman, was saying, don’t do all this. Don’t talk to me with your hands in my face because I’m a feel threatened.

To me, that was where the first missed tip, the first boundary was crossed when I started doing this, when they start doing this. And then last time when Danielle stepped us up into her personal space, it wasn’t like they were talking like this. Then it was like, here, remember, push you by myself cuz why you that close? Why can I smell your breath? Why are you, why are we in a heated discussion and you step into my space now, whether or not gene deserve to be hit, I don’t think she deserve to be hit inside the head with no glass.

But you can’t control, you know, people’s reaction when you put your hands on them. And Jen did push her. She put her hands on her. But at the same time, how would you react if you’re in a heated discussion with somebody and they step that close into your personal space, you don’t deem that as a threat? Like you don’t think you that close to me and you. Yeah.

ยาวนานก็เอาชีสที่มี. Oh, this, oh, she really, tryna, like, you know, you, you, okay, what people be that close to your personal space? Like that’s why to me, that’s my bucket. And I just kind of want to, I’m just curious, like y’all was like, oh, that’s okay. How do you not see that as a threat, somebody that close?

I don’t like when people get clothes in the grocery store. Like, man, why you? I’m, I’m like, I’m nervous. Like what you’re doing? Why are you that close up on me? That’s crazy. That’s why.

Cuz I don’t know what your next move is gonna be. And Jen didn’t know what name your next move. Nanti. Simak deh thanks you gini bergerak jadi body nih bu. I don’t think it was. I don’t think the altercation began when GN pushed Daniel. I think it began when Danielle invaded Jean’s personal space.

Because after gene tell her, you know, to calm down, chill out, but I think a lot of people are just kind of view taking it as the from the viewpoint of you really don’t like Jenn Cuz she is a really boisterous personality in general, really dramatic personality in general. But if you just take it as this situation, like this isolated situation, y’all can tell me that Danielle did not cross boundaries when she stepped into her person’s face.

You can’t tell me that you think Dolores is gonna let Danielle step into her personal space like that? Are you think Teresa would let Daniel step into her personal space like that? You have. I know where he anyway. And if y’all said that, y’all would let somebody step that close into your personal space. Now, Jen definitely had the option to walk off cuz it was space behind her.

Gene definitely could have been like, you know what, I’m out. But at that point, they’re engaged in this type of tip for that type of the thing, right? So, I mean, you can’t tell me you will listen by a step that close into your personal space without being like, come back up, give me 50 feet back bag, give me 50 feet. You feel me like, I don’t know, whatever.