Adventures at the US Open Fan Week: From Melon Drinks to Homemade Hats

US Open is having fan week,
which I just assumed was not free.
But it is free,
and I have the biggest desire to go try that melon drink.
I don’t like alcohol, and I’m convinced that I’m gonna love it.
I convinced my friends to go,
and we’re going. It is,
like an hour on the subway.
But I’m gonna be with a friend.
It’s fine. I wanna wear this top,
which is actually my father’s,
and I stole it from him. He was getting rid of it,
and I snagged it, and we made it.
And by we, I mean it’s me and Violet.
If you’re a normie like me,
you’re gonna take the subway.
We cannot afford Uber. And then you’re gonna walk 14 minutes.
This is when we found out it was kids day.
There were a billion kids.
But we did get free sunscreen.
Thanks. LA Roche Posay.
This hot dog was $11. I did not buy a honey juice because they were $23.
I did Photoshop 1 into my photo.
You can clearly tell it’s Photoshop.
But I don’t care. I do not need another.
And we watch some tennis. Oh,
hit that ball. And then we watch some more tennis.
And it was free and it was hot,
and I regretted not buying the hat.
Like, I could think about was his hat.
So I turned the kids pamphlet into a hat. Anyways, had a good day.