Title: Concerns and Challenges in Implementing Electric Mobility for Transmilenio System Extension in Soacha

I’m Juan Daniel Hebedo,
councilman and today we are visiting
the workshop yard the link that is practically finished,
designed and built
to accommodate
articulated and bioarticulated buses of the Transmilenio system
in its extension
from San Mateo station,
which is a little more than 6km away.
from this point
at the end of the municipality of Soacha,
that were guarantors of sustainable mobility,
particularly based on the euro 6 standard,
it is expected that in June of next year it will be completely
but the reality is that unfortunately
6km is needed
Transmilenio exclusive rail trunk road
in order to
connect the San Mateo station with this workshop yard.
But unfortunately
a bidding process will be opened this August 29th
to populate this workshop yard with approximately
400 electric articulated and bi-articulated buses
and to adapt the charging infrastructure
of this workshop yard that was not built
for this type of technology,
what we are highly concerned about is the announcement of the
that this great work
will enable the proper functioning of the
of the Transmilenio de Soacha trunk road,
when in fact
6km from now,
a little more,
that the San Mateo station is located,
due to traffic management plan problems,
due to previous problems and network problems,
a delay in the development of this trunk road is expected
more than two years old.
What does that mean?
That this workshop yard is going to be ready?
Surely electric buses will sleep here.
will not provide any service.
It is important to
always keep in mind that if we want mobility
from the beginning
all of the city’s infrastructure
should be considered in order to
the capacity of the track
and charging infrastructure
is consistent with the largest
weight and time needs.
What we want here
to reflect is that if this is practically ready,
we cannot enter into a whim
of wanting electric mobility that involves costs,
especially delays,
to the hope of people who are already shopping
apartments around this workshop courtyard
in the connectivity that will be generated by an infrastructure
that enables rights
not only in the city
but also in the metropolitan region
all over Bogotá