Utilizing AI for Efficient Studying in Medical School: A Professional Perspective

okay I’ve been seeing a lot of memes
making fun of like
future doctors that probably use Chat GPT
to like
get through school and
are probably gonna mess their patients up
in the future
i’ve been getting a lot of questions about
if people in med school
or doctorate schools actually use Ai
when they’re studying
i just want you guys to know
that we actually
do have to actually know
the things that we’re learning
we have board exams
skills tests and proficiencies and like
we’re graded in patient care
and clinic and
but don’t get me wrong I do use AI
just to help me learn these things faster
this is a lecture that I have an exam on
I’ll spare you the pictures
but this is on eyelid diseases
a whole section’s on um
disorders of a lacrimal system
personally this is why chat gpt is
not very helpful for me
I can ask it to help me memorize
like the lacrimal system disorders
but it’s gonna list only
a few of the disorders that exist
but not everything that you
would need to know
as a doctor
like it literally gave me 6 disorders
with Mindgrasp Ai
it’s pulling from my entire lecture Powerpoint
so you can ask like
basically any question that you want
and it organized
every single thing that’s mentioned
including signs and treatment
from my Powerpoint
and it’s all laid out for me
but that’s not even the best part
you can make flashcards from your entire Powerpoint
so you can flip through
every single question it generates for you
and you can also do the same thing and
have it make you quizzes
and this is my favourite feature
because this really helps you like
prepare for an exam
and it’s very similar to something that
could actually be asked in class
just say I didn’t know one of the questions
I could just ask it
if I don’t know what a hard stop indicates
I could just literally ask
and instead of like
searching through my whole lecture file
it literally tells me right away
and if you’re still not impressed
it gives you references for where it found the information from