Unveiling the Mysteries of the Deep: From Atlantis to Cosmic Ocean

Atlantis. Everybody knows this place.
It was first mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato,
and it was maybe fictional.
Plato said the founders of Atlantis was half god,
half human.
It was said to be a utopian civilization and be a great naval power,
and that their city was full of abundant gold and precious minerals
and rare animals. Uh,
but some people really think it was the eye of the Sahara.
But did it actually exist?
Fifty 2hertz whale. This was a sound heard between 1989 and 2004,
and it came from a single source
broadcasting a frequency between 50 and 52 hertz.
What’s weird about this is
they assume that a whale was making this noise.
the creature producing a noise was making around a 50hertz sound,
whereas normal whales produce between 10 and 39 hertz,
which is really sad because it’s too low for humans to hear
and it’s too high for whales to hear.
So we assume that the whale has been completely alone
for its entire life, not able to contact other whale.
Its movements correspond with whale migrations in the area,
but nobody has seen it for sure.
So it could actually be a, uh,
Bimini Road is an area located between the Bahamas and Miami
on the Bimini Islands, where there are these large
square blocks that are in a perfectly straight line,
and people refer to it as the Bimini Road.
What’s crazy is there’s over a half a Mile of this road.
It’s just a bunch of stones in a straight line.
And people say that it was part of some sort of ancient road system,
perhaps. Maybe a lost colony
or a lost continent. Or the lost continent of Atlantis.
Or it’s just evidence from some sort of civilization
that existed before water levels rose.
Which would be crazy because it would be roughly 2,000 years old.
Cuba pyramids. This one is really crazy.
Around two decades ago, they discovered these structures using sonar
that were 2,000 feet below the surface off the coast of Cuba.
Pictures were taken. That looks really compelling that it’s real.
There’s like these two or three large pyramids,
and then there’s like, square looking room areas.
it really looks like a real place that was actually a civilization.
But, I mean,
it would be nearly impossible for.
For this to have been a civilization.
Unless there’s like, a huge part of history we have no idea about,
which, I mean,
there is. Geologists say that if this was a sunken city,
it would have taken over 50,000 years to have gotten to that depth.
So they would have had to have been an extremely advanced civilization.
That was in the wrong time and in the wrong place.
Phantom Islands. These are islands that were once somewhere,
but are no longer or they never were.
Examples are Lumeria, Thule,
and even Bermuda, which there’s this conspiracy about how,
like, the CIA came in and bombed Bermuda Island out of existence
to take away Mexico’s oil rights in that area.
Which is just a conspiracy.
Extremely unlikely that they could have ever pulled that off anyways.
All these islands have either been on a map
or they’ve sucking into the ocean,
or they never existed at all.
And people thought they were there, but they weren’t.
Seafloor holes. Back in 2,022,
this line of holes appeared on the ocean floor,
8,000 feet deep. And what’s interesting is back in 2004,
a similar group of holes were found in the same area
in the Mid Atlantic Ridge.
Scientists don’t know how they are formed.
Some people think they’re just hydrothermal vents where, like,
heat, heated fluid rises up out of the ground and makes the holes.
Where others hypothesize that it’s just like
a little creature that digs down into the sand and leaves them.
But it’s probably just Cthulu,
the black carpet. This is an ocean cryptid
that is described by divers to be over 1,000 feet long.
It’s said to look like a group of jet black microorganisms with, like,
little feelers, like a jellyfish.
People theorize that if the black carpet actually is real,
then it’s related to, like,
the single celled organism
that lived billions of years ago in the ocean.
Underwater UFOs. Keep in mind,
if anything says UFO, it just means unidentified flying object.
However, there are a lot of instances where,
like, the military
or The Navy see something that they don’t recognize
flying through the air that goes into the ocean
or that comes out of the ocean and then flies really fast.
There’s a lot of instances of underwater UFO things
in the deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal.
Call of the deep.
This is a strange phenomenon where divers are diving at extreme depths,
and they all of a sudden, like,
fall into a trance and then try to swim down,
and then they swim down really far and die.
There’s multiple instances of this happening,
and they just swim down and are never seen again.
A lot of people think that this is just caused by nitrogen narcosis,
which is just something that makes you, like,
feel drunk and confused. Pretty terrifying thought.
Cosmic ocean. This is more of,
like, a mythological concept that was like,
everything outside of earth is a vast primordial water.
Like, everything up there is an ocean.
But there’s also more of a conspiratorial thing
where people think that space is an ocean.
And people who think this
think that we are essentially trapped on earth,
and we can’t go past the firmament,
which is like, the atmosphere.
And we tried to break the seal out of the atmosphere
between earth and the cosmic ocean
by doing different things,
like testing nuclear weapons up in the atmosphere close to space.
Like Operation Fishbowl, where they are detonating those up really high.
And they thought that
Maybe it was going to set fire to the entire atmosphere,
but they didn’t know and they.
They did it anyways.
But it looked like a giant fishbowl when it blew up.
Anyways, that’s all of those.
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