Understanding Australia’s Right to Disconnect: Setting Boundaries Between Work and Personal Life

You’ve just finished work for the day.
You no longer need to answer any calls or text from your boss.
Tell them to leave you alone.
Actually, maybe don’t do the last part.
But starting from today, Aussie workers do have the right to disconnect,
which means you don’t need to answer calls,
emails or text outside of work hours. Declined.
The idea is
that these new laws will create better boundaries between workers
and their employers. Plus,
having a phone and working from home
means that your boss can technically contact you whenever,
which means it’s pretty hard to switch off sometimes.
So exactly how do these new laws work?
Well, your boss can still send that late night text,
email or call, but any work at a business with more than 15 employees
doesn’t have to respond if their refusal is reasonable.
But what’s considered reasonable or unreasonable
depends on the circumstance.
Experts say the new laws could lead to employees being compensated
if they’re expected to be available after hours.
Kind of like how a doctor is on call,
which FYI to my boss who’s watching this,
I would be open to that. So give me a call,
but, you know, within work hours.