Chef’s Kiss Shredded Pork Recipe: The Ultimate Crowd-Pleaser for Any Occasion

I’m gonna show you how to make the best shredded pork. But I get compliments every time I make it. Chef’s kiss, crowd pleaser. I’m gonna show you how to make it. Watch the video. First thing you need is a really nice size pork. But I get a big one.

You can do whatever size you want, but I, this is for a crowd tomorrow for Father’s Day. So mine is 9.73. Get whatever size you want. Typically, I like to have at least a 5 or 6 pound, but I got bigger for tomorrow. So 9 pound, get what you want.

First thing you’re gonna do is lather it up with honey, put it completely all over it and rub it in. I got two things. A honey, cuz I never know how much I’m gonna use, but get it all lathered up, all gathered up with the honey. And I used about, this was about 3/4 full, and I used that much in it. You can use whatever you want.

Next, you’re gonna go in with kosher salt, put it all in and rub it in. And you know what? I don’t use cloth. My hands are clean. I just wash them again. I’m gonna put it all over, rub it in closure. Salt is all rubbed around it. Next, let’s do some brown sugar.

We’re gonna put the brown sugar. You’re gonna rub it all in there and get it in there and look at the pork, but brown sugars on. So we got honey, closure, salt, brown sugar. Now we’re gonna go in with sweet rib rub, put it all over, lather that thing up.

Okay, it’s lathered up now with the sweet red rub. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. You can wash me off. You gotta get it in there. You gotta rub it on. Oh, look at this. Okay, next is the last ingredient. Well, now, third to last, fourth to last.

Okay, let’s go. One last spice, garlic and pepper, seasoning, salt. You gotta put this on, lather it up. This is the best choice brand. I don’t know if you have best choice where you are.

I’m sure you can find any brand, but garlic, pepper, season, salt, put that on, lather it up, push it in. Yes. Okay. Now I have a special ingredient I’m gonna show you next. First of all, can we just look at that? Look how amazing that looks.

Okay, here’s the last ingredient before we start to cook it. You need a two leader of Doctor Pepper. I said it, Doctor Pepper. We’re gonna take it off, put it in there, pour it all the way around it so you don’t get like the spices coming off the side.

But pour it in, pour it around the whole thing, the whole 2 liter. Let’s get it in there. Here’s the finished product. Oh, my god. Doesn’t that look amazing? Okay. The doctor peppers all in there. I have it in my roasting pan.

I’m gonna put it right there. It’s almost at like 275. I’m gonna let it cook all night for about 10 hours. It’s 10 o’clock at night. I’ll check it in the morning when I get up about 8 or 10, and then we’ll shred it. So we’re gonna put the lid on.

I like to check mine in a roaster. I don’t know, I’m old school, but this is my recipe. This is my specialty. Not my hubs. It is mine. So I’ll check with you. Look at that.

Has been cooking on low heat about 254 two 50 between 2,75 for 12 hours. Look at that. So what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna let this cool off.

I’m gonna shred it and then I’m gonna show you how I shred, how I use the juice of the Doctor Pepper and my secret ingredient, barbecue sauce. We are about to have a feast tonight. The pork is all shredded. Look at that meat. It is Chef Kiss. Okay. The secret is in the sauce. What you do, you’re gonna take your pork back to shred.

I take my nap cuz I take the juice that it all cooked in and I put it in a bowl. Okay, so I shred it, I put it back in here.

Now I’m gonna slowly add some juice and you don’t want it to get too juicy now. Okay, so put like, let’s go with like four scoops of this in and then I’m gonna show you two other things that you’re gonna add. And it’s the secret sauce. I think I ended up putting five labels in, you know, scoopers for now. Next, the barbecue sauce you must use.

And don’t put too much cuz you want the sauce and a little bit of barbecue sauce. You don’t want it too saucy, sweet. Peggy Rays original handstand, the best. So I have a little left in here. I’m gonna open another one and just put, I don’t know, maybe like to hear in and stir it up, but I have a seasoning to add to.

I’d say, I think I put about half a bottle in Sweet Baby Ray. So original. It’s the secret sauce with the sauce you cooked it in.

Now the seasoning, I’m gonna add some more of the garlic, pepper, seasoning, salt. I like a lot of seasoning. If you don’t have to add it, I’m gonna put it all over. Yes, it’s a lot. I don’t measure. I just do it with love. So let’s stir it up and see.

I think I may need a little more sauce, but I wanna stir it up. I’m not gonna add any more barbecue sauce. So, okay, it needs more sauce. Not to, not anymore barbecue sauce. So, cuz you don’t want the barbecue sauce to be overpowering. You want the natural juices.

And with this Dr Pepper, the honey and the seasonings are cooked in, telling you hands down the best. I am gonna stir it up right now. I’ll probably put up like at least seven or eight more. But you want the natural juice in it. I think I’m actually gonna pour all of the juice back in it.

So, and I will tell you, last night when it was cooking, because this was such a big pork roast, I had another half a bottle of Doctor Pepper of a 2 liter. And I added that last night before I went to bed and it was perfect.

So I’m gonna add all this juice and I’m just gonna let it cooking it all day. You want more of the juice than the barbecue sauce? I’m gonna share to show you. Here’s the final product. This is what it looks like.

You don’t want it to soup be but, and you don’t want it too dry. So you want more of the natural juices. Then you do the barbecue sauce. But you gotta have that sweet baby raisin, add that secret taste. Now let me try a piece.

I’m trying the best. I’ll show you the finish product tonight. We take it, we put it on a bun and we put some coleslaw on top of it. When you eat it, hands down, amazingness right here. Make it for your next stitch together. By the way, I’m gonna put it back on the roaster. I’m gonna just put it on warm for like 150 or 200. I’m gonna put on 200. Just let it simmer for hours this afternoon before we eat it to just even get more of the juices and stuff in it now that I have it all mixed up, here is a better view of the mixture. I’m gonna cover it on 200 and just let it simmer and mix together and get even more fabulous.

Guests of honor trained his sandwich. How is it? Awesome. Okay, keep the recipe. Make it. Trust me, it’s a crowd pleaser. And you have to put coleslaw on top of it. I mix mayonnaise, a little sugar, salt and pepper in it. So try it. Check it out below.