Ridiculous Rant: A Tale of Tekken’s Kuma and Forest Fires

What the fuck is that?
What is that? Kuma from Tekken.
Fuck this guy, bro.
Fuck him, dude.
Ain’t no way I’m gonna lose to a fucking bear.
He hasn’t even hit me once yet, bro.
Fucking smoking a bear? Have an ass, motherfuckers.
Only you can prevent forest fires.
Oh shit. I’m sorry, bro.
It was a joke.
Alright, fine.
You know what? I’m gonna lick this guy’s ass.
Get him! Give him that legendary tongue slurp.
Well, I don’t know how to deal with that.
Yeah. Hey,
why don’t you chill out, bro?
Why don’t you chill out for a second?
Not. At least we know what happened to the fucking bear.
The Jungle Book. He got caught on fire.
You have no right. Bernstein bears killed Shadow Bear.
That motherfucker now