Converting Mass: Grams to Milligrams and Kilograms

So let’s convert this mass and grams into milligrams.
So I’m gonna multiply by ratio.
I have grams,
so I’m gonna put grams on the bottom and milligrams on the top.
That’s the unit that I want.
Now, you need to figure out what numbers go in here.
Well, here’s the trick.
What numbers will make this an Equality?
That ratio is really equal to one.
So the definition of milli is one thousandth.
So 1 milligram is a thousandth of a gram.
Now, when you multiply,
the grams will cancel, and then you left with 63 on the top,
point zero one on the bottom.
So you divide, and there’s your answer in milligrams.
Now let’s go down. Do the same thing to for kilograms.
I’m gonna put the unit that I have on the bottom,
the unit I want on the top.
Now, what’s the relationship between kilograms and grams?
Well, the definition of kilo means 1,000.
So 1 kilogram is 1,000 grams.
All right, when we multiply,
grams will cancel. I’ll be left with kilograms.
So 63 is on the top, 1 thousand’s on the bottom.
So we divide, and there is your answer in kilograms.
So check this out.
This value in grams is the same in kilograms and milligrams.
This is the same value. Different units.