Exploring the Evolution: A Comparison of Apple iOS 1 and Apple iOS 2 for First Generation iPod Touches

Apple iOS 1 versus apple iOS 2.
These are both first generation iPod touches released in 2007.
And there’s a major difference between iOS 1 and 2.
And that’s that thing. The App Store.
IOS 1 did not come with an App Store,
and apple was originally planning on not having an App Store.
And speaking of iOS, it wasn’t called iOS iOS 4.
Even though these are iPod touches,
it was called iPhone OS. Back in the day,
apple wanted you to pay for iOS update.
So to go from iOS 1 to iOS 2,
they’re trying to get you to pay ten.
Since iOS 2 has the App Store,
this one has some apps on it from back in the day.
That’s the Google app from like 17 years ago.
Cannot open page. And there’s other differences
such as exciting ones like the calculator.
Calculator on iOS one looks different than that on iOS 2.
Also you got the scientific.
Come on, come on iPod,
come on. There we go.
Science rules. The scientific calculator was on iOS 2.
You couldn’t change your orientation and go all science on iOS 1.
This is back when technological progress was a lot from year to year.
I mean, imagine being stuck on iOS 1 and not having an app store.