Understanding Social Anxiety in ADHD: Causes, Impact, and Coping Strategies

Many of us
adhders do experience social anxiety for many different reasons.
It is very often a co existing condition in childhood.
The adhd’er can be bullied,
they can be rejected, they can be loud,
have difficulty taking turns,
possibly boss other children around,
be a little bit more inattentive or hyperactive or aggressive
or miss social cues.
So that right there can then lean to future social anxiety
based on the worries that people won’t like them
or they’re gonna be made fun of
or they won’t be accepted.
So that happens with ADHD years.
I experienced it myself growing up.
And what social anxiety is,
is this excessive stress over future thoughts and situations.
For example, potential humiliation, rejection,
negative judgment, social situations.
So those things that I just mentioned.
So that can manifest into not going to a social event,
eating in a different room than someone else,
just avoidance. And that anxiety can then turn into depression
because you’re isolating yourself,
could also result in panic attacks.