Efficient Document Retyping Hack: Excel Scanning Trick

If your boss gives you such documents
and they ask you to retype them into Excel,
this could be B 0, Q’s or work orders.
Of course,
this would take you between 30 to one hour to have them completed.
So in this video I want to show you a simple trick that you can use
and have all your documents retyped for you
directly into Excel with ease.
So the first thing that you have to do is to download and
install the official Microsoft Office application.
It is available for both Android and iOS users.
This is the application you should download,
the one with this icon over here.
For my case, it’s already installed in my mobile.
So I’ll go ahead and just open the application.
And when it opens, you tap the plus button,
tap the Excel icon, then tap on Scan Table.
The app will open for you.
The scanner. Head over to your document that you’d like to scan.
This is the document that we want to scan.
Make sure you’re in a flat surface.
So when you get your document clearly,
then you tap on this button over here.
Your document will be scanned.
Then you can resize to make sure that your table is fully captured.
Once you get comfortable, then you can tap on continue.
Excel will start to extract your table
and when it gets done,
you’ll get a preview of your documents that has been retyped.
Then you can Tap on open with Excel over here.
Click on open anywhere. Your office application will load into Excel.
You can go ahead and extract it onto your desktop.
And by doing that, in a few minutes you’ll have your document generated.
Then you can just go in and make some changes
and also clean out some spelling issues.
This will definitely save you some time.
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