Mall Day Adventures: Fashion Haul, Floral Fun, and Rainy Shake Shack Delight!

Hey guys. So today we’re going to the mall. I haven’t gone to the mall and probably like two months or so. No, it’s been one month, almost two. It’s been like a month and a half. So we’re taking a little shopping day today and I’m gonna take out with me. So first things first, I have my scoop on, I know it’s like 90 degrees outside. Oh my God, my pimple right here. It’s like I’m full display. So I know it’s like 90 degrees outside, but I just wanted to wear the scuba so much.

I love the scuba. It makes me feel so happy. Just like the color is so cute. I’m wearing like gray blue lemon shorts, but I don’t feel like standing up. And I’m trying to think, do I wear my Golden Goose or do I wear my New Balances? I’m thinking this is like a more casual day. So anyone wear my New Balances? But okay, now I need to put in my earrings. Do I wanna wear these hoops or do I wanna wear the other Amazon hoops? Guess how weird these ones? I don’t see the account. I’m terrible at putting earrings in, by the way. Like, I don’t even know where my freaking hole is. Okay, so now I’m trying to decide sunglasses. So I have these salt around ones. I can wear these, except I need to clean these working by my salines. I like these better. We’re gonna do the and then got my purse and then let me get my shoes. Okay, all I need now is I need to bring my lip gloss with me.

Okay, and we are ready to go. So let’s go over.

Okay, let me share out the Fed just to fit. We’re rocking with, we have Lulen and Scuba, Lulan and shorts, New Balance shoes, Chanel Paris Sullian sunglasses.

Let’s see, it’s actually not too hot today. No, it actually feels kind of good today. Go get in the car. Well, awesome. All we go. Okay, so I have now arrived at the mall and I’m about to go in. So let’s go. But first, I need to touch up my lip gloss a little bit. Do they even brings, I know I brought some curious. So I switched sunglasses to my Chanel ones because they were in my car and they actually flew out of the sunglass holder and hit me. So I took it as a sign they wanted me to wear them. This is really pissed. I pimple by my lip hum using a VMI, right? There’s nobody at the mall today too.

Well, I guess it’s like a Tuesday and like people who aren’t stay home divas go to work. So, you know, tomorrow, so it’s not crowded and I’m very excited cuz there’s lots of stuff on again. Okay, let’s go. Look how cute these squishmales are. Let’s see what they have new. And Lulu Lemon, I really like this is cute. I feel like back to, okay, so got my haul and I met two, I met a few queen divas in the store. Say, hey y’all, thanks for coming to Shanghai and now on to Sephora. So I’m now done with them all. I got a bunch of stuff. I can’t really do a home when I get home. And now I think I’m gonna go to Trader Joe’s home after that. I think that would be it. But after Sherry Jose, we go. I knew it was gonna frick and rain today. That’s all it does this summer. It’s just rain. Last summer we did not get rain for like two or three whole months. What is it like? Like June, May till like August, dry Sahara deserts, no rain. Like what is this? Okay, I need this. Quit loudly, guy. Kinda get inside for the traffic. It’s bad. Even on a freaking Tuesday, this parking lot is still no joke. There’s some spots I must put in. I was like, I can’t fit here. Melbourne can’t fit here. Okay, let’s go inside. And we’re here.

Let’s go get a.

They have the best flowers here. So let’s say, which one should I get y’all? I love these ones. These ones are so cute. Hey, so that took a turn for the worse. It is now raining. And it decides to start pick up raining whenever like we’re walking out the store. Just not just great. But I really want to shake shack for lunch, but I don’t know if we’re gonna make it there today. So I brave the rain and gotcha. I’m so happy. This is like my little reward for going on the rain. I love Shake Shark so much.

So I finally arrive back home and this is our hall. So let’s see. We got Hollister, we got Royal Standard, we got lulum, we got Ari, we got Trader Joe’s. Now I’m gonna bring this all into the house. So I’m home now and I started making some floral arrangements. So this one’s gonna be in my room. Isn’t it so cute? With these little yellow colored roses. And then I had some extra roses, so I’m gonna make a bigger one. I’ll let y’all know how they come out. They look so cute. So I’m going to put the mall hall in a separate video, but I want to thank all so much for watching. So I always love y’all. Bye. What?