Unveiling the iPhone 16 Pro: A Closer Look at the Upcoming Features and Updates

I go strong with the iPhone 16
6.1 is just 60hz
aluminium design these three things have been the same for the past couple years
the 18 chip apple intelligent
that stuff is kind of new
but I doubt anybody will be interested apart from the first couple weeks
12 megapixel ultra wide
two times up school zoom again
it’s basically the same camera
actually the main sensor will be 48 megapixels
same as last year bigger battery
storage price
bring up to the iPhone 16 Plus
let’s go 6.7 display
60 hertz aluminium design
same as the last couple years
basically everything the same as I just said about bigger iPhone 16 pros
let’s go take a display
hundred 20 hertz
titanium design foster processor
see how many pictures I’ll try
that’s new five times optical
that’s new it got batteries
that’s new increased price though
by £100 big boy
iPhone 16 Pro Max
let’s go bigger display
hundred 20 hertz
titanium design the processor
apple intelligence and the rest of the same as the iPhone 16 Pro
not the most exciting like we’re not getting a new design for the pros
but we are getting for the 16th
but I’m not gonna lie we might have to see what Apple’s cooking
they might come out with something we don’t know about but we’ll see