The Yaffa Memorial Fountain: A Tribute to Daniel Yosef Jaffa and His Legacy in Belfast

Crack, everyone.
Hope you’re all keeping very well.
So you might recognize this memorial in front of you here, okay?
It’s a clearly known as the Yellow Bans and the Yellow Fountain.
Whatever you want. Done a quick video on this before,
but I thought I’d go a little bit more in depth in that video.
OK, so this is actually called the Yaffa Memorial Fountain.
And it’s uh, located here,
Victoria Square. Not the shopping centre just.
But the actual, uh,
street itself area is called Victoria Square.
Uh, this is a memorial to a man called Daniel Yosef Jaffa.
He was a German born Jewish man.
He was born in Hamburg, I believe in 18:09.
Then in 1850 he moved to Belfast to uh,
set up a linen merchants business,
okay? So became very,
very successful in Belfast.
So when Daniel Yosef Java, uh,
died in 1874, as you can see up the top there, uh,
his son Ali Yafa, a very influential man in Belfast, uh,
erected this memorial to him.
Okay, so the actual memorial was built in Glasgow,
as you can see down here.
And it sat in this very spot until 1933 or there abouts
when it moved up to Botanic Gardens.
You might actually remember it, uh,
being up there where it laid in pretty much room, um,
until 2006, 2007 or so,
when Victoria Square was opening up.
Okay? So got sent to a place in Shropshire in 2007 for renovation.
Um, Got renovated.
Got sent back here in 2008 for the opening of Victoria Square,
if my dates are right. And it’s sat there
and it’s, uh,
birthplace, I suppose, uh,
ever since. A lot of people don’t notice this,
but there’s also a plaque inside.
Okay. You can’t really see it very well there.
Um, tells you a little bit about Daniel Yosef Yapha’s life.
Study that little bit there.
And Daniel Yusuf Yaffer’s son.
Although Yaffer was also very,
very influential man.
He was the first and only Jewish Lord Mayor of Delpas.
It’s part of the Irish Unionist Party at the time as well.
And I believe the Alpha family were sort of instrumental
in getting the first synagogue open up in Belfast.
2 but, yes,
a lovely memorial to, uh,
Otto’s father, Daniel Joseph the Alpha,
in the center of Alphas here.
Thank you for watching, as always.
If you have any more information, uh,
about this memorial or the family,
the Alpha family themselves.
I also was Jaffa, by the way.
Was Jaffa. Then put in the comments below.
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