Showing Off: A Collection of Shiny Phone Cases

I have a collection of four different phone cases that I cycle through
so I’m gonna show you all of them
here are the phone cases this one is probably my least favorite
bought it online thinking it was actually sparkly
but it’s just it’s printed on there
it’s still pretty cute though
next up we have this shiny leopard print phone case
I love the shiny effect on this phone case
I think this phone case is really pretty
only downside to this phone case is that it’s just like
this is detached from it so it’s very easy to like
get this lost next up
we’ve got this clear case with a bunch of sparkles in the back here
I really like this one a lot
I love sparkles
and now for my favourite case
this one right here this is a genuine Swarovski
I don’t know how to say that
Swarovski crystal case is very shiny
this is definitely my favorite case and the one that I use the most
oh yeah
that’s my entire collection of phone cases so far
let me know which one do you guys like the best