Ultimate Travel Apps for Seamless Journeys: A Guide for Wanderlusts

travel apps that will significantly make your life better
from girl
The Good Morning America calls the carry on Queen and headed to Australia
this week’s we’re gonna do an updated travel apps that I love
this is the tech and tools that I always find myself using
especially longer trips No. 1 is TimeShifter
when you are doing this significant of a time zone change
TimeShifter is such a game changer
essentially you put in your flight schedule
for me I was spending a couple days at my parents house and heading to LA
and then heading to Sydney
so I include all of those segments on the trip
and it’ll tell me exactly how and when I should be sleeping on the plane
when I should be going to bed
so that I can completely voice out like it’s the best
No. 2 is Flighty
Flighty will tell you that your flight was delayed way before the airline will
it’s just honestly the best app to track any of your flight status details
like that flight is must No. 3 is City Mapper
City Mapper is my favorite
transit mapping a new city
anything like that I find it’s far more accurate than Google Maps
it’s available in most major cities that you’re going to
different transit in different cities
it’s fabulous
next up is Headspace I love using Headspace when I’m flying
because I know that you have white noise on your iPhone for a lot
of people but the brown noise and all the different
especially when it comes to sleep are amazing
obviously there’s great meditation and other mints that you can use
but I always am turning on brown noise when I’m trying to sleep
for an extended period of time
so I find headspace is such a go to for me
next is GPS my city
especially when you get somewhere that you have not been before
and you wanna be walking through
the city gives you really great different routes and ways to explore
tell you exactly what you should do
and then give you a little bit of context or history
or some additional details about where you are
and what you’re seeing wise
I feel like a lot of people know about
but I find especially when I’m traveling with friends or with other people
split wise is such an easy go to and way to split expenses
so I always put that on my list
and your last bonus is chat GPT because honestly
if you are looking for someone to make you a full itinerary
you can just put in exactly the type of trip you’re looking for
cry where you’re going give all of the details
and Chat GPT will literally plan out everything for you
okay let me know if we need a part 2