Navigating Fashion in a Complex World: Considerations for Ethical and Inclusive Shopping

alright I am gonna come and speak to this comment
um nothing wrong with this comment
and yes I understand about fast fashion
and how companies pay the people who work for them
and the people that make the items
but also there are people who are lower income or different sizes
or have difficulties getting out and going shopping in person
whether that’s due to um anxieties or disabilities or whatever
so I like that the internet is an avenue for people to find the things they need
and of course you don’t need to wear everything you own from the TikTok shop
but if you are able to get one or two pieces that you enjoy
that make you feel good
and you can supplement that with things that are from maybe very quality
maybe high cost brands or if you are into thrifting
but I know that thrifting can be difficult if you are in plus sizes
and that sort of thing as well um
because people are going and reselling and that can cut into thrift store finds
it’s a complex issue and we are in a capitalist hellscape
and I totally get that and you’ve gotta
you know use your conscience and be mindful and demure of how you consume